Kent Hospice Foundation, Inc.
Business Tax Credit Program
For a limited time, we can provide local businesses Maryland Tax Credit in addition to a deduction for a charitable gift. The Department of Housing and Community Development is administering this program to allow local businesses to decide how some of their tax dollars should be spent in priority funding areas.
The required minimum gift is $500.00. If you can''t use all of the tax credit this year, the balance can be carried over for up to five years!
Who may participate: Any business that conducts or operates a trade or business in the State of Maryland including S-corporations, partnerships, sole proprietorships and LLC''s.
Goals: Strengthen the partnership between community businesses and Chester River Home Care & Hospice, a not-for-profit organization located in a priority funding area of the State. Empower your businesses; you decide how to spend some of your tax dollars. Build support for the mission of Chester River Home Care & Hospice. Support programs that directly benefit patients at Chester River Home Care & Hospice.
Benefits: Your dollars are kept in the local your community! A Maryland State tax credit will provided for your business in addition to State and Federal deductions for your charitable gift. Together, we can maximize philanthropic dollars (net cost is approx. $0.27 on the dollar, or less) and make a healthier community!
Eligible contributions: Any Cash, stocks and in kind goods. (Note: An independent and unrelated third party must certify the value of your contribution of any used goods. The value of donated goods must be accompanied by a receipt, evidencing the net cost of the goods.)
Non-eligible contributions: Services and real estate are not eligible for tax credit.
Timing: Credits must be used against taxes owed for the year in which the gift was made. Any excess credits may be carried over for five years.
For more information of how your business could be a member of the Neighborhood Tax Credit Program, please call 410-778-7668, ext 4013. All inquiries are confidential.
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