Patient Information
Surgical Pre-operative Instructions
In Advance of Surgery Ask your surgeon how long the procedure will take so that you can inform family and friends how long they will be waiting. Once the procedure is completed you will be taken to the Post Anesthesia Care Unit for recovery. You will be there for two hours, before being transferred to your room.
A nurse from our Pre-operative admitting office will contact you prior to your surgery to do a nursing assessment/history in advance.
The Night Before Surgery After midnight, do not eat any solid food or drink any liquids. This includes water and chewing gum. You may brush your teeth and rinse your mouth without swallowing any liquid.
The Morning of Surgery: If you normally take medications, you may be instructed to take your medications with a small sip of water the morning of surgery. Some medications, such as blood thinners, may be discontinued prior to surgery. Your physician or a registered nurse from the PREP office will instruct you on these matters. You should call your physician if you have any questions.
Leave medications at home. The hospital will provide you with any medications that you need.
Leave jewelry and other valuables at home. Do not wear make-up or nail polish.
You may brush your teeth and rinse your mouth without swallowing any liquid.
Wear comfortable loose-fitting clothing.
If you wear contact lenses, you will be asked to remove them before surgery. Wear your glasses to the hospital or bring your contact lens holder, your glasses and glass case with you.
If it is your young child who will be undergoing surgery, please bring a comforting toy or blanket.
If you receive sedation or a general anesthetic, please arrange for someone to drive you home.
Bring crutches or a walker for Orthopedic or Podiatry (foot) surgery.
When to Arrive Please check in at the Registration Desk in the main lobby of the hospital. You should arrive one-and-a-half hours before your surgery is scheduled.
You will meet with your anesthesiologist prior to your surgery. If you have any questions about your anesthesia please feel free to discuss them with your anesthesiologist. You will also see your surgeon prior to your surgery.
Special Precautions: Contact your surgeon immediately if you experience any change in your health before surgery. Even minor elevations in your temperature, a cold or cough need to be reported. If you experience any change on the day of surgery you can call the hospital pre-surgery office at 410-778-7668, ext. 2345.
If you suspect you may be pregnant, please notify your surgeon. This information will help us provide the best level of safety for you and your developing child.
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