To raise the philanthropic funds needed
by Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital
to purchase capital equipment and
meet other capital requirements for
the purpose of expanding or enhancing
the health care provided to patients.
To provide direction for the planning,
operation and evaluation of Foundation
programs. To educate the public about
the ongoing capital needs of the Hospital.
1. Participate in establishing, maintaining
and overseeing a fund raising program
that will maximize philanthropic support
of Kent & Queen Anne's Hospital.
2. Identify, cultivate and solicit prospective
and current donors.
3. Provide general direction and assistance
to the Director of Development in the
creation and implementation of fund raising
Participate in identifying and recruiting
Foundation Board members and volunteers.
5. Act as an advocate and ambassador for
the Hospital in business and social situations,
thus strengthening the ties between the
Hospital and the community.
6. Attend Board and committee meetings
and actively participate in discussion
and decision-making.
Serve on committees that are established
to accomplish the Foundation's objectives.
Make an annual financial contribution
that is commensurate with personal interests
and capabilities to set an example and
to set the pace for community support.
9. Approve development policies and procedures
as needed.
Amend the Foundation Bylaws as needed.
more information or an application, please